Chillwind Horns - Quêtes

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Chillwind Horns

Bring 8 Uncracked Chillwind Horns to Felnok Steelspring.


I have most of what Tinkee needs, but I'm missing one important component, and that's chillwind horns. The horns of the chillwind chimaera in Winterspring are a concentrated source of cold, but only pristine, uncracked horns will do! I'll need a supply of those to complete Tinkee's order.

Bring me the uncracked chillwind horns, and I'll prepare a package for Tinkee.


These are good specimens. They're packed with cold! Let me get some gloves on, then pack them along with the other things Tinkee needs...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5450 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Everlook
The entirety of this quest happens at Winterspring

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