Doomrigger's Clasp - Quêtes

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Doomrigger's Clasp

Bring Doomrigger's Clasp to Mayara Brightwing in the Burning Steppes.


There is a chamber, high in Blackrock Spire, that was once called the Hall of Fortune. It was where the Dark Iron dwarves kept their relics, trophies and objects of art.

That was long ago. It is said the hall has collapsed and is now used for... less savory tasks. But I believe some old dwarven relics may still be found there.

One such relic is Doomrigger's clasp, with a surface so encrusted with rare gems that it was said to make weep any dwarf who gazes upon it.

That clasp, <name>, is your goal.


You found it! So the rumors were true!

Thank you, <name>. My patron, Count Remington Ridgewell, will be quite pleased to see this addition to this collection.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1650 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Burning Steppes

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