In Search of Menara Voidrender - Quêtes

In Search of Menara Voidrender

Speak to Menara Voidrender in the Barrens.


<class>! Yes, you!

You don't have all the accoutrements, but it's plain to see you're ready--the air around you exudes greater confidence. Yes, I see it now.

Menara Voidrender would teach you a few things if you feel you're ready. She spends her time tutoring younger students in the arcane. She even gives gifts to those who pass her tests.

Go to Ratchet in the Barrens if you're interested. She's above the city in Strahad's tower.


Ah, Kaal sent you. Good. Then word does reach far enough to find future students. This pleases me.

It is typical of our kind, <name>, to band together, regardless of race. It is especially important since those we deal with most do not discriminate in their malice if we fail to appease them or control them properly.

I feel you've learned a great many things, and if you are willing, I would help you create tools to compliment your skills.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 625 experience.
This quest starts at Undercity and ends at The Barrens

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