Beached Sea Turtle - Quêtes

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Beached Sea Turtle

Take the Sea Turtle Remains to Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde in Auberdine.


You find a corpse of a sea turtle that had beached itself on the coast of Darkshore some time ago. It has been picked nearly clean by Greymist murlocs, the very ones who now have encamped themselves around the creature's remains. Still, there appear to be some suitable samples left on the creature's remains that Gwennyth Bly'Leggonde in Auberdine might be able to make use of.


You've found even more beached creatures, <name>? Sea turtles were commonly found frolicking along the base of Nordrassil before it was destroyed. With the birth of Teldrassil, however, these creatures have been seen in ever decreasing numbers. Some, as we have discovered, end their lives here for some unknown reason.

Your aid will perhaps unlock the mystery before us. Please accept this in exchange for the remains you have provided for our study.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 725 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Darnassus
This quest ends at Darkshore

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