Ledger from Tanaris - Quêtes

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Ledger from Tanaris

Take the copy of Goodsteel's Ledger and then find the items listed in it before seeking Krinkle Goodsteel in Tanaris.


Oh, you know what? That reminds me.

You wanna finish up a little job I took up while I was in Tanaris? It's easy...

Krinkle Goodsteel in Gadgetzan was lookin' for some stuff found here in Searing Gorge and a few other places. Maybe you could take a look at the list and then bring it all to him?

I'll just slide his ledger under the door if you're interested. Take that, and the stuff he wants back to him after ya collected it all.


Oh, you've seen fit to do some of the work I requested. Excellent. And here I thought you were going to ask me to craft you something.

These are all perfect... and everything's here. Thank you, <class>.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to reward you some... hmm, what would you find useful.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5050 experience.
  • 350 reputation with Gadgetzan
This quest ends at Tanaris

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