Rot Hide Clues - Quêtes

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Rot Hide Clues

Bring Deliah's Ring to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.


Among the corpses a hand protrudes, unwrapped. It is the hand of a woman, pockmarked from the plague but relatively fresh.

On the hand is a ring. Removing the ring and inspecting it reveals an engraving:

"For Deliah"


You say that this ring was worn by a woman, recently killed?

The only nearby source of such a body would be the mass graves in Tirisfal. The Rot Hide Gnolls must be taking those corpses to Fenris Isle!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 290 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Undercity
This quest ends at Silverpine Forest

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