Those Blasted Troggs! - Quêtes

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Those Blasted Troggs!

Kill 6 Rockjaw Skullthumpers for Foreman Stonebrow at the Gol'Bolar quarry.


Those Light-blasted troggs, turning my work site into a wreck! Look at that, there goes another barrel of powder!

Ohhh, I wish I could go down there and wring every one of their scrawny little necks! I want to kill them all!

This can't be good for my health, all this stress and anger... What have they left me with? Nothing!

I'd kill them myself, but my aim's no good anymore! You go into the quarry and kill some of the filthy buggers! I'll pay you! Just hurt them, kill them!


Well, that makes me feel a little better...

But I won't be happy until they're all dead! All of them!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dun Morogh

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