The Mighty U'cha - Quêtes

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The Mighty U'cha

Bring U'cha's Pelt to Torwa Pathfinder at the entrance of Un'Goro Crater.


While you have been exploring Un'Goro, I have seen other things that a mighty hunter such as yourself would relish in. One such sight was a huge ape among the other gorillas to the north. You have been to that cave before, but this time, I wonder if you'll survive the encounter if you accept my task.

I call him U'cha, and he is one of the Earth Mother's greatest sons, of that you can be sure. Defeat U'cha and bring me his pelt. Do this, and I will defend your right to call yourself a great hunter.


Well done, <name>. I am pleased. You have done a great thing here today.

U'cha was one of the greatest apes I had ever seen. The fact that you have bested his strength speaks well of your own strength... and courage.

It is only fitting that I give you this as a sign of respect. You have earned it.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5650 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Un'Goro Crater

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