The Fare of Lar'korwi - Quêtes

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The Fare of Lar'korwi

Find the carcass of Lar'korwi's freshest kill and steal a Piece of Threshadon Carcass before returning to Torwa Pathfinder in Un'Goro Crater.


Once, a long time ago, a brother of mine took some meat from one of Lar'korwi's kills. He didn't know it at the time, but Lar'korwi saw him from the forest. Lar'korwi followed my brother for days, destroying everything he touched. My brother, scared, finally decided to run from the Crater and leave Lar'korwi behind.

Lar'korwi killed him not far from this spot.

If you want to provoke Lar'korwi, find a fresh kill of his and take some of the meat from it.

Return to me afterwards.


This will do nicely, <name>. It seems Lar'korwi eats well these days. Although, I wonder where he found a threshadon in this area. Odd.

Regardless, I will hold onto this until you are ready for your confrontation with the beast. Do not worry for my safety--I am sure you've angered Lar'korwi enough that he will not kill me until after he's tasted your flesh.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5250 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Un'Goro Crater

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