The Princess Saved? - Quêtes

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The Princess Saved?

Return to Thrall!


You have slain my husband, <race>! My child will be born into this world without a father.

I assure you, this child will be the next ruler of the kingdom of Ironforge. You and your kind shall be hunted down until the end of days for this wrongful act.

Leave me be, <race>. I am certain your warchief will be eager to hear the results of his meddling.


A new threat now looms on the horizon. As Magni's years dwindle down, the way shall be opened for this unborn Dark Iron to become ruler of Ironforge.

You have accomplished what I asked of you and for that, you shall be rewarded.

Now leave me, <name>! I must confer with Sylvanas and Cairne.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Orgrimmar

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