Commander Gor'shak - Quêtes

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Commander Gor'shak

Find Commander Gor'shak in Blackrock Depths.

You recall that the crudely drawn picture of the orc included bars drawn over the portrait. Perhaps you should search for a prison of some sort.


Poor Gargal... didn't even see it coming. WHAM! The arrow landed dead center on the top of his head. He was no genius before but now...

When we dislodged the arrow, we noticed a rolled up note attached to the shaft. On the note was a crudely drawn picture of an orc behind bars with the signature of Commander Gor'shak attached.

If he's still alive in the Depths, you'll have to find him.

A trap you say? Well no kidding, numb hooves! That's why you're going!


We haven't got much time. Listen carefully, <race>. What I have to tell you is classified and for your ears only.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5100 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
This quest starts at Badlands

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