It's Dangerous to Go Alone - Quêtes

It's Dangerous to Go Alone

Travel to Fire Plume Ridge, south of Marshal's Refuge.

Find Blazerunner and use the totem to remove his protective aura. Once he has been defeated, acquire the Golden Flame from the cave.


<name>, I finally remember now... I did come here to fight Blazerunner. I was on a journey, and this was to be the last step.

But I am no longer the hero... You are. All that you have done -- you must finish this now, not me.

Blazerunner guards an artifact called the Golden Flame. It provides power more vast than anything else I have ever known, and it is dangerous in the hands of one with an evil heart.

You will want to bring others with you -- it's dangerous to go alone. Take this as my advice.


Thank you, <name>.

The Golden Flame will now be returned back to my homeland, where it may be protected, never again to be used for evil.

Since you did so much for me, I'd like you to have this. Without you, I'd still have no idea who I am!
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 7300 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Un'Goro Crater

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