Linken's Memory - Quêtes

Linken's Memory

Find Eridan Bluewind in southern Felwood.


Oh... Linken? Yeah, he's a funny one. When he first got here, he was mumbling about all kinds of strange things. Probably got bumped on the head pretty hard, I imagine.

Something he said kinda stuck with me though -- that he was making some sort of totem; said he had to talk to someone named Eridan Bluewind... in a place called Felwood, I think?

I doubt he could tell you much now, though. If you want to know more, maybe you should look for Eridan yourself?


Hello, <class>. Is there something I can help you with?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5450 experience.
This quest starts at Un'Goro Crater and ends at Felwood

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