A Gnome's Assistance - Quêtes

A Gnome's Assistance

Find J.D. Collie in the cave at Marshal's Refuge.


Thinking... Thinking... I know I came here for something important...

I have an idea, <name>. In the cave over there is a gnome named J.D. that was very kind to me when I first arrived here. Perhaps in my disoriented state, I might have mentioned something to her.

Why don't you go ask her if she knows anything? Oh, but be careful -- she's always messing with those crazy glowing crystals I've seen in the crater. I'm not quite sure what she's up to in there!


Stay where you are for just a moment... I am testing out a new combination of crystals...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1250 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Un'Goro Crater

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