Shadow of the Past - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 29
  • Required Level: 16
  • Difficulté : 16 25 27 32 36
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Baros Alexston
  • End: Master Mathias Shaw
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


Shadow of the Past

Bring the Sealed Description of Thredd's Visitor to Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind.


I really haven't a clue, <name>. There is someone else who might be able to help you, and it so happens that he owes me a favor for--well, let's not get into that. Master Mathias Shaw of SI:7 can be found in the barracks in Old Town. Shaw has his thumb on most of the shady, or underhanded dealings of the city.

If anyone knows, it'd be him.


What? What's this? Yes, I think I do know who this man is, but his name is not Maelik. Assassins wear many names and many masks, discarding them as they lose their usefulness. Another alias known to be used by this man is Marzon; though even that is surely not his true name.

Regardless, he is an assassin and I know a good deal about him.

Marzon is currently under the employ of Lord Gregor Lescovar, a lord of shady reputation, even given the corruption of the nobility of Stormwind.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 600 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Stormwind City

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