Are We There, Yeti? - Quêtes

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Are We There, Yeti?

Collect 10 Thick Yeti Furs for Umi Rumplesnicker in Everlook.


My friends are always coming up with great ideas. I've never felt like I could match them... until today! I just drew up the plans for something great! If you promise not to tell, I'll let you in on the secret...

I'm going to make a mechanical yeti! Not only are my friends sure to be freaked out when they see it, but when they get over that, I know they'll be impressed!

I need thick yeti fur from the ice thistle yeti to start with. Will you help? You'll find them to the southeast.


These furs are perfect, <name>. We're off to a great start here!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4350 experience.
  • 150 reputation with Everlook
The entirety of this quest happens at Winterspring

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