Morrowgrain Research - Quêtes

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Morrowgrain Research

Take the Seed Voucher to Bashana Runetotem in Thunder Bluff.


With what we call an Evergreen Pouch, we have cultivated Tharlendris seeds in the soil from Un'Goro Crater. These seeds have blossomed into an array of random, potent herbs. One result is morrowgrain, a mysterious herb we know little about; I very much hope to unravel this mystery for the Circle.

Take this voucher over to my daughter Bashana, and she will give you some seeds so you may assist us. If you run out, you will need to purchase more from her.


Yes, this voucher is good for twenty packets of seeds. If you run out, we have more that can be provided. Unfortunately though, Tharlendris seeds are quite costly to produce in significant numbers. This is why the Cenarion Circle asks that those who are assisting us help out by offsetting some of the cost.

Those who return with morrowgrain find that the reward the Arch Druid offers far makes up for the cost.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Mulgore

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