Crime and Punishment - Quêtes

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Crime and Punishment

Councilman Millstipe of Darkshire wants you to bring him the hand of Dextren Ward.


As if the neglect for the residents of Duskwood was not bad enough, now the House of Nobles spits in the eye of the Darkshire Council with their decision to imprison Dextren Ward in Stormwind rather than behead the villain as per Lord Ebonlocke's sentence.

Ward was caught selling bodies from the cemetery to Morbent Fel, a crime punishable by death. Yet Stormwind claims Ward as their prisoner.

Assassinate Ward in The Stormwind Stockade - bring me his hand - and I shall reward you.


So Dextren Ward finally paid for his crimes against humanity? Good riddance to the scum I say. And cheers to you, my friend! Not only have you given the families of the dead the peace of mind they deserve, you sent a poignant message to those corrupt bureaucrats in the House of Nobles. Stormwind must rise to the needs of the people of Duskwood or we will break free from their tyranny.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2100 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Duskwood

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