The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan

Venture to the Ruins of Thaurissan in the Burning Steppes and recover information from the Thaurissan Relics. Return to Royal Historian Archesonus when you have recovered the information.
-Thaurissan Relic


Venture to the smoldering ruins of Thaurissan in the Burning Steppes and gather as much information as possible.

It is said that mysterious relics litter the ruins. Perhaps you should start your search there, <name>. Beware the Thaurissan guardians: Assassins that guard the ruins, keeping whatever secrets may still be buried there protected.


Oh my! This information explains quite a lot about Thaurissan.

There is much more to learn!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5450 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Ironforge
The entirety of this quest happens at Ironforge

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