Fields of Grief - Quêtes

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Fields of Grief

Steal 10 pumpkins from the farm to the west, just north of Deathknell and take them to Apothecary Johaan in Brill.


What have we here? You look like a fledgling <class>. If you hope to prove yourself to The Dark Lady, you need to learn the ways of The Forsaken.

To the west you'll find a farm. Humans infest the land like mold on a rotting corpse. And worse yet, the Scarlet Crusade patrols nearby from their tower. Teach those scum a lesson and steal 10 of their precious pumpkins.

Once you have 10, take them to Apothecary Johaan in Brill.


You have performed your bidding well, young <class>. You are proving yourself to be quite an asset to The Dark Lady's army.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 625 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Tirisfal Glades

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