The Haunted Mills - Quêtes

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The Haunted Mills

Slay Devlin Agamand, and bring Devlin's Remains to Coleman Farthing in Brill.


Devlin Agamand was the younger of two sons in the Agamand family, and in life the two could not be more different. Thurman was tall and gentle while his younger brother was weak and sharp tongued.

When Agamand Mills fell to the Plague, I was not surprised to hear that Devlin was quick to succumb. His mad chattering can still be heard near the road leading to the Agamand Mills.

I'm collecting the remains of the Agamands, and I want poor Devlin. Find him, destroy him, and bring me his bones.


Thank you. Devlin's bones will rest nicely on my mantle.

If my cold heart can find warmth, it is in knowing that the Agamands are destroyed. They failed me and my family when the Plague came - now I swear I will smash their remains under my heel!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 420 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Tirisfal Glades

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