Forsaken Duties - Quêtes

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Forsaken Duties

Speak with Deathguard Linnea.


I need a fresh report from our Deathguard waystation to the east.

I must know if more Scourge forces have slipped past The Bulwark and into Tirisfal. Our vigilance on the border to the Plaguelands must be maintained - we can't let the Scourge get a stronger foothold here!

Travel south along the road, then east at the fork to the waystation. Speak with Deathguard Linnea. She has the information I need.


Magistrate Sevren wants a report? Very well: the defenders at The Bulwark are holding the majority of the Scourge at bay, but some do slip through on occasion.

We have seen sporadic Scourge activity east of this station, with a concentration around the Balnir Farmstead.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 200 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Tirisfal Glades

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