Delivery to Magatha - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 52
  • Required Level: 45
  • Difficulté : 45 48 50 55 59
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Jediga
  • End: Magatha Grimtotem
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll


Required, completed

Delivery to Magatha

Bring the Tablet of Beth'Amara to Magatha in Thunder Bluff.


The first tablet goes to a tauren female... one called Magatha. She is among the elders in Thunder Bluff, and is one of the proponents of the alliance between the tauren and the Forsaken. She, more than anyone among the elders, feels the tauren and their ways can help the Forsaken find a path back to being human.

Bring her the Tablet of Beth'Amara. The tablet may be the link she needs in finding a way to help the Forsaken... or so she claims.


Ah, at long last, the Tablet of Beth'Amara. I was wondering if my partnership with Jediga had failed or if the poor orc had found her death in Azshara. I am glad she was successful.

Beth'Amara was one of the Highborne's most influential alchemists. The wizard alone was said to have mastered transmuting metals among other things.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2550 experience.
This quest starts at Azshara and ends at Mulgore

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