Forging the Shaft - Quêtes

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Forging the Shaft

Bring 8 Thorium Plated Daggers to Kalaran Windblade.


To hold the flawless flame, we will need a shaft and a casing. You must first find a suitable shaft.

The Dark Iron taskmasters and slavers of the cauldron use weapons of enchanted thorium, an extremely sturdy alloy. If you bring me eight thorium plated daggers, I can break the alloy down and reforge a shaft.


You're an exceptional laborer, <name>. Have you ever considered a change of vocation? Perhaps a detective? Junk collector? Oh, I know, one of those silly gnomes that crawl across the beaches of Azeroth with their metal detecting contraptions, looking for lost treasure. Yes, that would be an ideal position for you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4400 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Searing Gorge

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