OLD A Meeting with the Master - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 48
  • Required Level: 48
  • Difficulté : 48 51 55
  • Faction: Alliance

OLD A Meeting with the Master

Bring 2 Undamaged Hippogryph Feathers to Sanath Lim-yo in Azshara if you wish to speak to his master.


Ah, a young <race> come to speak to Sanath. What a wonderful day! I am so honored to have you grace me with your presence. Thank you!

Please... do not be so arrogant to assume my sarcasm was a compliment. Let us get one thing straight: I don't like you. But this little conversation doesn't have anything to do with us--it has to do with my master.

Bring me a couple hippogryph feathers for my arrows and I'll give you leave to see him. He's asked that I send adventurers to him if they proved worthy enough.


Two feathers, just as I asked. And not bad ones at all.

Ready then? Just say the word and you're on your way.

Oh, and once again, mind yourself... my master doesn't take kindly to imbeciles, but he is very generous to those that please him.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3100 experience.

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