The Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Quêtes

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The Green Hills of Stranglethorn

Collect the missing pages from The Green Hills of Stranglethorn manuscript. Once all four chapters are complete, return them to Barnil.


Master Nesingwary will be so upset if he finds out!

He trusted me to proofread the manuscript of his novel, The Green Hills of Stranglethorn. Everything was going well, but a large gust of wind blew through the camp and scattered the pages everywhere!

I was able to gather most of the pages but many are still strewn about the jungle. Collect the pages to complete each of the four chapters.

I will help you organize them. Return the chapters to me once you have all four.


You've certainly saved me a heap of trouble, <name>! I can't thank you enough. It shouldn't be long now until we see Master Nesingwary's book in libraries throughout the world!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4700 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Stranglethorn Vale

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