Natural Materials - Quêtes

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Natural Materials

Bring 2 Splintered Logs, 6 Encrusted Minerals, 20 pieces of Resilient Sinew, and 40 Metallic Fragments to Witch Doctor Uzer'i in Camp Mojache.


I will need certain materials to complete my endeavor... You may do this alongside the other tasks I will give you.

I'll need a splintered log from a treant of Feralas. Encrusted minerals, these can be found on the mountain giants and faerie dragons to the west. Also, find me some resilient sinew from the owlbeasts of the Hinterlands or hippogryphs of Feralas. Finally, I'll need a large amount of metallic fragments from any of these creatures I mentioned.


Excellent! These materials, combined with the muisek, should yield just the results we've been wanting.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Feralas

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