Mountain Giant Muisek - Quêtes

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Mountain Giant Muisek

Kill 7 Land Walkers or Cliff Giants. Use the Muisek Vessel to shrink and capture the fallen Mountain Giants.


The last task I will require of you is to travel to the northwest and find the final enemy.

The mountain giants left the mountains to aid the night elves when the burning legion appeared in the world. You will know them by their massive size and the way the ground begins to shake as you travel along their rocky terrain.

I am eager to harness power of that size. Kill 7 mountain giants, then use the muisek vessel to capture their powerful muisek.


Just imagine the possibilities of what we now possess, <name>. Along with the materials that you have collected, I will be able to forever trap the muisek of these creatures into whatever I wish.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Feralas

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