A Strange Request - Quêtes

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A Strange Request

Take the Shrunken Head to Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar.


Neeru Fireblade in Orgrimmar has what I need to get started here! He has mixed up a concoction that I need for my... well, you'll see.

Off with you now -- to Orgrimmar. Here, take this with you. It's a shrunken head that I promised Neeru in exchange for the herbs. It's the head of some poor dwarf I ventured across in the forest. I'm sure Neeru will be pleased.

You'll find Neeru in the Cleft of Shadow.


I have been waiting for Uzer'i to deliver this...

Let me give you the herb mixture I prepared for his... well, experiments...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1950 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Orgrimmar
This quest starts at Feralas

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