Encrypted Rune - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 1
  • Required Level: 1
  • Difficulté : 1 4 8
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Sten Stoutarm
  • End: Solm Hargrin
  • Race: Dwarf
  • Classe: Rogue

Required, completed

Encrypted Rune

Read the Encrypted Rune and speak to Solm Hargrin in Coldridge Valley.


While you were helping me out, this rune was given to me to pass on to you. Take some time to read it when you have a chance. I'm thinkin' it came from the rogue trainer Solm. Take a gander at it and go find him inside Anvilmar when you've a chance.


Anyway, as you start peekin' around Coldridge you'll probably have need of training at some point. You just come back to me whenever you feel you need it and I'll teach you what I know--a trick here, a maneuver there. You know, the stuff that keeps you alive and makin' a little extra coin.

Keep an eye out on our gnomish friends too... they kinda got the short end of the stick what with Gnomeregan being... destroyed. They'll need our help to feel welcome.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40 experience.
  • 82 reputation with Ironforge
The entirety of this quest happens at Dun Morogh

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