Tainted Letter - Quêtes

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Tainted Letter

Read the Tainted Letter and speak to Drusilla La Salle next to Northshire Abbey.


I was asked to bring this to your attention as soon as you returned from the kobold camps, <name>. It appears to be a letter sealed with the insignia of Drusilla, one of our local trainers. I wouldn't hesitate to read it before you go about any other business here in the Abbey.


As you grow in power, you will be tempted--you must always remember to control yourself. I will not lie--corruption can come to any practitioner of the arcane; especially one who deals with creatures from the Twisting Nether. Be patient, and be prudent... but do not let that repress your ambition.

As you grow more powerful, return to me and I will teach you more about our ways.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40 experience.
  • 82 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Elwynn Forest

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