Saving Sharpbeak - Quêtes

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Saving Sharpbeak

Fight to the top of Jintha'Alor, kill Vile Priestess Hexx for the key to Sharpbeak's cage, and save Sharpbeak.
-Sharpbeak's Cage


We must save Sharpbeak!

Fight your way to the top of Jintha'Alor in the heart of Vilebranch territory, gain the key to Sharpbeak's cage from the vile Priestess Hexx, and then find and save Sharpbeak!


Swiftwind and Keenclaw returned with their child moments ago, and are fussing over him like new parents. Seeing them together again is enough to give even this old dwarf mist in the eyes...

We cannot repay you enough for what you have done, <name>. The gryphons of Aerie peak, and their riders, will sing your name for a long, long time.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 7900 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Hillsbrad Foothills

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