Witherbark Cages - Quêtes

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Witherbark Cages

Check the cages at the two Witherbark villages, then return to Gryphon Master Talonaxe.
-First Witherbark Cage
-Second Witherbark Cage
-Third Witherbark Cage


The son of our mightiest gryphon is gone! Swiftwing's heir, Sharpbeak, was lost while hunting with his parents a few days ago, and we believe it was the trolls who took him.

You must aid us! Search the cages in the two Witherbark troll villages to see if Sharpbeak is there.


Sharpbeak wasn't at the villages? Hm... this is grim news. That gryphon is destined to lead the next generation of gryphons. If he is lost then the strength and spirit of our fleet will suffer immensely.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3900 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Hillsbrad Foothills

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