A Grim Discovery - Quêtes

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A Grim Discovery

Bring the Crate of Grimtotem Horns to Belgrom Rockmaul in Orgrimmar.



Ah, so I did mention a bounty, didn't I? Well, that'll teach me to open my mouth, won't it?

You did the work, so I suppose it is only right you reap the greatest reward from it. Take the horns, I'll have them put in a crate for you. Find Belgrom Rockmaul in the Valley of Honor, he'll want to know what you saw and he'll reward you for your hard work.

Be well, <class>, and thank you again for everything you've done.


The Grimtotem!? This is interesting. You say you came across them while hunting in Feralas? Truly?

My peers will want to hear your news, <class>. Tell me more and I'll count out your coin while you do so.

And before you go, know that I give you thanks for the information you've passed on to me this day.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4850 experience.
  • 350 reputation with Orgrimmar
This quest starts at Feralas and ends at Orgrimmar

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