A New Cloak's Sheen - Quêtes

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A New Cloak's Sheen

Bring 10 Iridescent Sprite Darter Wings to Krueg Skullsplitter in Camp Mojache.


Well met, <class>. I've traveled with my companions down to the Feralas on a mission for our Orgrimmar masters.

My life-mate Korrin finds great pleasure in new clothing, so I aim to make her a new cloak adorned with the gossamer wings of faerie dragons. Would you be able to help me? Sprite darters with gorgeous wings I want are west of Camp Mojache.


Wonderful, <class>! These will do nicely. There are enough here to make a cloak for Korrin, and possibly even more! Thank you.

I hope the trip wasn't too dangerous? The area of Feralas is not known for being forgiving, but you've obviously done well enough.

Thank you again, <class>.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3900 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
The entirety of this quest happens at Feralas

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