Gnome Improvement - Quêtes

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Gnome Improvement

Bring the Brilliant Gold Ring, a Silver Bar, a Moss Agate, and 30 silver coins to Talvash del Kissel in Ironforge.


Listen <name>, that ring is yours, sure... but I can make you a better one! That design, like I said, is really simple. I am a lot more skilled now, and for the mere fee of thirty silver coins I'll spruce it up for you! Well, a little more than thirty, actually...

I'm in a tight spot right now; all my material stock is all dried up. If you bring me a bar of silver and a moss agate, I'll add a silver and agate lattice to the ring that will give it a little more pizzazz!

Trust me!


Ah, exactly what I needed! Someday, when I find myself out of this hole that I am unjustly in, I will make for you, for EVERYONE the finest trinkets in all of Azeroth! Until then, thanks for being a sport about the reagents. I'd normally charge ten times what I have charged you for a ring of this quality...

Speaking of rings, here's your new one!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Ironforge

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