Return of the Ring - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 34
  • Required Level: 28
  • Difficulté : 28 30 32 37 41
  • Type : Dungeon
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: The Sparklematic 5200
  • End: Talvash del Kissel
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


Required, completed

Return of the Ring

You may either keep the ring, or you may find the person responsible for the imprint and engravings on the inside of the band.


Opening the box produced by the Sparklematic 5200 reveals what you had suspected - a shiny ring! Wearing the ring, you feel magic power surge through you body.

Inside the band is a small but nonetheless discernable imprint of the seal of Ironforge. Next to that, three small initials are engraved: "TdK". This may signify either the initials of the previous owner, or perhaps the initials of the ring's crafter. Keep the ring... or return it to this person. Decisions, decisions...


A ring, you say? Let's see... yep, I made that ring by golly.

Before Gnomeregan went up, I had a small shop there. Perhaps it's one I left behind when I ran for the hills; it's a simple design, and I made several like it. Maybe it's from someone who didn't make it out.

Dark Iron dwarves had this? Well, that puts a new layer of conspiracy on the nine different layers already floating about. Maybe the authorities would like to know; it's wasted on the likes of me.

Now, back to the ring...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2700 experience.
This quest ends at Ironforge

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