The Eye of Paleth - Quêtes

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The Eye of Paleth

Bring the Cursed Eye of Paleth to Glorin Steelbrow.


Opening the chest reveals a blackened orb, pulsing with an eerie light. It is the treasure of which Fitzsimmons spoke: a Cursed Eye of Paleth.

Take the Cursed Eye of Paleth to the dwarven priest Glorin Steelbrow, in Menethil Harbor. Ask him how to remove the Eye's curse.


An Eye of Paleth? Amazing! Hmm... there's something wrong with this one. You found it on one of those shipwrecks? Well that explains it! But... I didn't know they had such an Eye on the Third Fleet...

It's no wonder Fitzsimmons was so spooked. A Cursed Eye of Paleth is no cause for mirth.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1200 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Stormwind
This quest ends at Wetlands

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