The Battle Plans - Quêtes

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The Battle Plans

Bring the Woodpaw Battle Plans to Hadoken Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache.


With the battle plans of the gnolls discovered, all that now remains is to bring the plans back to Hadoken Swiftstrider in Camp Mojache. Perhaps he or someone there can make further sense of what the gnolls are up to.


Ah, this is exactly what we needed. While I am not so skilled at ciphering what most of the scrawling on this map is, I've seen enough battle plans in my day to understand what is happening with the gnolls. It looks like they are currently fighting a two front war. One is with us... but it seems that their main energy has been against a foe to their south.

There's more at hand here than meets the eye. Perhaps it is time to figure out who this other foe they face really is.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Feralas

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