The Cursed Crew - Quêtes

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The Cursed Crew

Kill 13 Cursed Sailors, 5 Cursed Marines and First Mate Snellig. Bring Snellig's Snuffbox to First Mate Fitzsimmons in Menethil Harbor.


I am the sole survivor of the ill-fated Third Fleet of Kul Tiras, wrecked off the coast to the north. But although I'm the only member of the fleet still breathing, I'm not the only one still walking about! For on one of our ships was hidden a great, and terrible treasure, and the eerie power of it keeps the souls of my brothers trapped within the ships' rotting hulls.

But if you can free some of my brothers, then perhaps you can break their curse.


My thanks to you, <name>. And the gratitude of my cursed brethren goes to you as well.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Wetlands

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