Skulk Rock Clean-up - Quêtes

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Skulk Rock Clean-up

Kill 10 Green Sludges and 10 Jade Oozes, and then report back to Fraggar Thundermantle in Aerie Peak.
Green Sludge (10) killed
Jade Ooze (10) killed


We Wildhammers remember the past, more than our brothers in Ironforge. If you want to make friends here, then you get your hands dirty for us!

The Horde abandoned their positions in the Hinterlands around Skulk Rock; it's now overrun with nasty sludges and oozes. We've got plans on that area, but first we need a clean-up crew to make a hole for us.

That's where you come in, Sunshine! Head down there and take out ten green sludges and ten jade oozes, then report back to me here. Move out!


Well look at you, helping out the Wildhammers! You're a <class> of action, and action is what we respect around here.

Your little clean-up mission is a lot more important than you might think it is. With folks thinning out the oozes and sludges, we'll be able to extend our sphere of influence in no time. Here - have a little something in addition to just making new friends here in Aerie Peak!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4400 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at The Hinterlands

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