Against Lord Shalzaru - Quêtes

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Against Lord Shalzaru

Eliminate Lord Shalzaru, and then bring the Mysterious Relic he uncovered to Latronicus Moonspear in Feathermoon Stronghold.


<name>, new scouting reports have given us a good idea on the naga chain of command. Royalty is present amongst their rank and file, and they're the ones calling all the shots.

Specifically, we've identified one of the crueler royals as Lord Shalzaru. Scouts report that he himself has uncovered an odd relic during a recent naga excavation in a cave south of the main ruins, across the water on the Isle of Dread.

Put a stop to it by putting a stop to him, and bring me his relic so we can study it.


Well played, <name>! Lord Shalzaru's demise will throw the naga into disarray for some time, if not permanently. The threat they pose is now under more of our control than it has ever been, and we have you to thank for it.

Here is more bounty money from the stronghold treasury - you've earned every copper. You and yours are welcome in Feathermoon Stronghold anytime, my friend.

One more thing before you depart, <name>... if you could...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2900 experience.
  • 150 reputation with Darnassus
The entirety of this quest happens at Feralas

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