Alpha Strike - Quêtes

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Alpha Strike

Kill 5 Woodpaw Alphas and return to Hadoken Swiftstrider within one hour.
Woodpaw Alpha (5) killed


The plan is for various leaders of the gnolls - Alphas as they call themselves - to be taken down within rapid succession. If we're able to execute this sort of swift and precise devastation against them, it would cause chaos in their ranks. Perhaps it would also drive a message through their thick flea-bitten heads that we can and will destroy them!

I want you to be the messenger of my will; eliminate five of their Alphas within one hour for this to work <name>, or we'll remain at this impasse!


You've done as I have asked, and for that I salute you. Take this small reward as compensation for your efforts, <name>.

With their numbers thinned and their leaders slain, the gnolls will think twice about storming the camp. This doesn't conclude the issue at hand, however...

There must be some reason why the gnolls have been whipped into such a frenzied state. Before they have a chance to regroup though, I want to find out what is causing it.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Feralas

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