Senir's Observations - Quêtes

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Senir's Observations

Speak with Mountaineer Thalos.


I was planning on sending my apprentice to my brother Senir with my report, but I would feel much better were it placed in more... reliable hands. That is, of course, if you wouldn't mind?

Hmm... you'll have to take the tunnel to get to Kharanos.

Speak with Mountaineer Thalos before going through the tunnel. It's completely infested with troggs now.

Follow the road back to Anvilmar, then keep heading east to the tunnel, Thalos is stationed nearby.


Hm, well, if Whitebeard is sending you to Dun Morogh on important business, I can't very well stop you, can I?

At least let me provide you with some advice and directions.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Dun Morogh

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