Petty Squabbles - Quêtes

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Petty Squabbles

Speak with the Fallen Hero of the Horde at the border of the Blasted Lands and the swamp.


We fight the wrong enemy, <name>.

The true power in these lands continues to grow in strength and number while we squabble over scorched earth with orcs.

Do we continue to fight a war in these lands against the Horde, only to be routed one day by the armies of the Burning Legion? It is futile.

Put your differences aside, <name>, speak with the fallen hero of the Horde. He knows the truth behind the Blasted Lands.


The Alliance wishes to assist?

I thought to never see this day again. A day in which the Alliance fights side by side with the Horde against a common enemy.

It shall be... we will unite.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4500 experience.
This quest starts at Blasted Lands and ends at Swamp of Sorrows

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