Blisters on The Land - Quêtes

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Blisters on The Land

Kill 8 Fen Creepers, then return to Rethiel the Greenwarden in the Wetlands.
Fen Creeper (8) killed


I do not know why, but a festering grows within the Wetlands. Fen Creepers have risen. They are diseased, fevered blisters on the land, and for the fever to break they must be dispatched and allowed to settle back into the marshes.

The Fen Creepers shamble amidst the waterways of the Wetlands.


This land is soothed by your efforts, and for this I will grant you a boon.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2650 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Wetlands

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