Items of Some Consequence - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 31
  • Required Level: 16
  • Difficulté : 16 27 29 34 38
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Tyrion
  • End: Tyrion
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


Finish this quest will unlock

Items of Some Consequence

Bring 3 Silk Cloth and 2 of Clara's Fresh Apples to Tyrion in Stormwind.


Trias wants the timetable pushed up some, huh? Okay, we can do that, but I'm not ready. And know this, I'm doing the hard part, but you're the one that's going to get $g his:her; hands dirty, understand? Good.

Okay, I'll need you to get me a few things before I can put my plan into effect. I got the perfect disguise that'll get Spybot past those guards.

Bring me some silk and a couple apples. The silk's up to you, but Clara's little farm right outside the city has the perfect sized apples.


These will do nicely, <name>. Great job.

I have the rest of the gear I'll need in my pack... thank the Light I just got a tailor friend of mine to make me a silk bag. I was running out of room carrying all my gear around.

Before Spybot heads in, let's get the details set so you know what you have to do.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 625 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Stormwind City

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