A Dark Threat Looms - Quêtes

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A Dark Threat Looms

Ashlan Stonesmirk wants you to return to Chief Engineer Hinderweir and inform him of the new discovery.


This ain't no ordinary blast powder. Look at the tiny silver crystals. And the distinct smell! Why it's clear as daylight that this is Seaforium Powder. Seaforium is harmless enough. But once it's wet it could blow Ironforge out of the mountain.

The chemical reaction can be defused by mixing four components: lurker venom, crushed Mo'Grosh crystal, a crocolisk tear and this disarming colloid. Now tell Hinderweir before it's too late!


A disarming colloid? For Seaforium? Oh heavens!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 340 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Ironforge
This quest starts at Wetlands and ends at Loch Modan

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