Seeking Wisdom - Quêtes

Seeking Wisdom

Give Jitters' Completed Journal to Bishop Farthing in Stormwind.


Go to the city of Stormwind and speak with Bishop Farthing in the Cathedral of Light. Give him Jitters' journal and tell him you mean to face Morbent Fel.

Although Stormwind has forsaken Darkshire, Farthing is a kind soul and very wise. He may help you on your quest to save us.

Your mission is perilous, but hurry, <name>. With each passing hour, the shadows of Duskwood grow ever darker.


An evil taint has gained a foothold within the already beleaguered Duskwood. I thank the Light we have a hero such as you to face it.

But you must first prepare yourself for the coming trial...for the Necromancer Morbent Fel is immensely powerful, and has cast dark enchantments about himself to protect him from physical assaults. If you are to defeat him, you will need a weapon that is proof against these protections.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 600 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind
This quest starts at Duskwood and ends at Stormwind City

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