The Stones That Bind Us - Quêtes

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The Stones That Bind Us

Free nine Servants of Razelikh, three Servants of Sevine, three Servants of Allistarj, and three Servants of Grol. Return to the Fallen Hero when your task is complete. You must remain within close proximity of the stones or the process will fail.
Servant of Razelikh (9) killed
Servant of Grol (3) killed
Servant of Sevine (3) killed


It will take more than you alone to overcome the forces of Razelikh and his subordinates.

Gather a suitable group of adventurers and free my men of their eternal torture! Eighteen stones you must shatter.

Fight hard and die with honor, <name>.


You have done it, <name>! The poor, tortured souls can finally rest.

Our work is not yet over, <name>. We have much to discuss and much more to accomplish.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 7550 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Swamp of Sorrows

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